Yoga teacher in Alton, Hampshire

About Me

Charmian D'Aubosson, ACC

Hi, thanks for your interest!

I’ve had a varied and unconventional working life, making the choice to avoid the corporate world early on in my career instead being a crusader for work/life balance and working as a ski instructor. This was a great way to live for a number of years and I enjoyed success and recognition in both hemispheres. However, everything in life comes with its compromises, for me that was not having a place to call home and not seeing enough of my friends and family in the UK.

I reluctantly joined corporate life eventually climbing the ranks in a variety of industries both in the private and public sectors. I’ve always been ambitious and driven by perfectionism but in the workplace the stress and pressure came at a huge cost to my health. I suffered corporate burnout on more than one occasion and then I was diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer has impacted all generations of my family and regrettably I’ve experienced it both as carer and as a patient. Clinicians provide support, care and compassion from diagnosis through to the end of treatment, but in most cases that support structure is gone as you’re about to move forward with life.

Adapting to my life after cancer was hard. On one hand I was so pleased that treatment was over and I was deemed cancer-free but I didn’t know how to ‘do life’ anymore after what I’d been through. My priorities had changed, I looked at life differently – I’d changed, but I no longer had the clinical support structure around me and people who understood the impact.

I felt a huge weight of expectation to return to normal life and be happy that it was all over but instead I felt a sense of loss at no longer having the structure of appointments to attend or the familiar faces of the team who had saved my life and understood my challenges. I didn’t feel the person that I was before and I didn’t know who to talk to that would understand and help me see how I wanted to start living life again. I’d also become disconnected from my body and felt it had let me down by after years of being fit and healthy.

As part of my cancer treatment I was put into medical menopause which came with a different set of challenges, some of them similar to chemotherapy. I felt tired most of the time, I was forgetful and had brain fog. After another episode of burnout I was offered coaching, which changed the trajectory of my life.

When I felt physically strong enough, and I had regrown some hair, I attended my first yoga class post-cancer. I knew I wanted to bring some movement back into my body but I wasn’t prepared for the mental respite that class gave me. My inner dialogue stopped and my mind switched off for the hour of the class as I focused only on the instruction from the teacher. It became my solace and I slowly gained confidence in my body again learning that it was capable of more than I had imagined after all it had been through.

Recognising the impact that coaching and yoga had on my rehabilitation, I felt driven to retrain and offer these life changing services and that much needed support to people adapting to life after cancer, from someone who understands.  

I finally left the corporate world and now work full-time as a transformative coach and yoga teacher helping others to thrive after cancer.

I’m English, with a multi-national name, living in Hampshire, UK with my husband and two dogs.

I’d Love To Support You to Thrive after Cancer

My Training

I am a qualified and certified coach, defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as:

“partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.

I am an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), awarded by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and hold the ‘Accredited Transformative Coach’ diploma from Animas Centre for Coaching, recognised across the world for its rigour and standards in coaching.

The Accredited Diploma in Transformative Coaching is accredited with the three leading professional coaching associations.

Accredited yoga teacher in Alton

Having practiced different styles of yoga, including Ashtanga, Hatha, Hot, Yin and Nidra I found that the moving meditation of Vinyasa yoga took me to a different place mentally and physically. I chose to do my 200 hour yoga teacher training in Power Vinyasa, a programme developed by Baron Baptiste to be a full-body, invigorating sequence of postural flow linking the breath with movement. This programme is safe for all ages and abilities as it can be modified and adapted for everybody. 

I have since completed further specialist training to offer yoga dedicated to people impacted by cancer and its side effects. 

(a little bit more) About Me

  • Animal lover – I have two dogs and a Ragdoll cat
  • I love the big outdoors – particularly woodland walks in the rain
  • I’m an award-winning ski instructor who’s worked at some of the best resorts in the world
  • Divorced and happily re-married
  • Travel is a passion 
  • I’m a breast cancer survivor
  • Needle-phobic (which hasn’t improved post cancer treatment!)
  • I trekked to Everest Base Camp to raise money for charity
  • I’m an HSP – if you know, you know! (a gift and a burden at times)
  • I often experience imposter syndrome
  • How do people describe me? I’ve often been told I’m an inspiration
  • I’m never moody and (almost) always happy
  • I’m a perfectionist that’s never understood only giving 80%
  • I travelled Europe and Scandinavia working on the Galileo satellite programme
  • When my inner voice is telling me what I need to do but I don’t listen, my body then shouts at me so I have to stop and listen. The body does keep the score!
  • I have my WSET Level 2 wine qualification
  • I love music and play the piano. I also took up the saxophone at school because I loved Gerry Rafferty’s Baker Street
  • My heartfelt drive to support people to be and feel their best has been a constant in my life – coaching is my calling
  • I enjoy many sports, particularly road cycling, swimming and skiing
  • I’m a trained Samaritans volunteer
  • I’ve raised a lot of money for several cancer charities and am planning my next fundraising challenge
  • I have worked with celebrities from the worlds of film and sport, as well as the girl next door. I treat everyone the same – with respect and authenticity